Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Women in Leadership and Fear in Leadership


I've always believed that the Bible says women should not be the head pastor of a church. I've also always believed that it is the curse of the fall that women should be put under men's authority and have to go to men for guidance. However, I never once thought that women were not fit for leadership, themselves. God uses everyone for His purpose and I see several women in the ministry that belong in the ministry.

I know that there is a fear of not being treated equally with men, but I we should not get politically correct on this. I don't think that this is the only thing that causes fear in a woman leader. I think we naturally are afraid that we're not good enough. It's part of human nature.

I'm so glad you posted this because it really encouraged me. I've always known I was not meant to be a real leader in the forefront, but I also know that God calls all of use to be leaders in the sense that we are called to be witnesses and to be a part of a Christian body. Too many times I've been afraid that I was not good enough to write devotionals, but I've learned that God does not care. We should not worry about the future, God will take care of us.

What do you think of women in leadership? In pastoral positions?

About Mother Theresa: Yes, she had little fear in her heart and yes, I appreciate the way she stood up for things, but I have to wonder what she truly believed. I've never really approved of literal "marriage to Christ" in becoming a nun (but I don't want to pick a fight there). The real thing I'm concerned about is the fact that so many Catholics believe in salvation through works. I never saw Mother Theresa speaking about salvation through faith in Christ alone. I've written a short on this topic (in reply to another post on another blog) at http://confabremarks.blogspot.com/2007/08/httpwww.html.

1 comment:

Poorhouse Dad said...

You have a well balanced view on this subject. Don't forget that by following your leader (whomever that might be), you set an example for those who also should follow that leader; and by setting that example, you lead!

Your example of how to follow can be just as important as the commands issued by the leader. Never, never underestimate your importance.