Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Translation vs. Interpretation/Paraphrase


My dad has always been very serious about this topic. He's brought me up making sure I see and know the difference between various versions of the Bible. There is a difference between a translation and interpretation/paraphrase and those versions that paraphrase or interpret often are inaccurate or miss key central points. I don't care if they're easier to read, it does not seem right. Many are misled by such versions. I see no hurt in reading these interpretations, but I think it's important to compare them and check them with more accurate translations. My favorite is the KJV, although right now I'm using a NKJV. Before this I used NIV. The point is, I am using more than one version. You are so right on in this post and I thank you for posting it.

1 comment:

Poorhouse Dad said...

This brings to mind several questions:

1. Which is the better use of my time: reading God's Word, or reading somebody's interpretation/paraphrase of God's Word?

2. Is it better to read an interpretation/paraphrase of God's Word and compare it to an accurate translation, or to read God's Word and reference an interpretation/paraphrase when the meaning gets muddy?

3. If you read an interpretation/paraphrase of God's Word, how will you know when to cross-reference it against a real translation?

4. God said He would bless the reading of His Word, and that His Word would not return fruitless; but did He ever say this of interpretations, paraphrases, or commentaries?

5. Can the Holy Spirit use a paraphrase/interpretation the way He promised to use God's Word?

6. From which families of Greek and Hebrew manuscripts do each of the Bible translations, paraphrases, and interpretations come?