Saturday, August 11, 2007

Condemnation of Others

Note: Hannah, the author of the post at the above link, as replied to my comments at the said link.

This post means a lot to me. Lately I've been prone to judging other Christians because I get stuck in the middle of arguments or because I hear one side of the story and let my own prejudices decide whether the stories are true or not. I need to stop condemning those people and just be a good witness and friend to them, no matter how much they may be flawed or come off the wrong way.

I do have to wonder about modern time Pharisees, however. I've seen pastors foudn out in their sins. One in particular turned down counseling offers as well as a smaller job offer that would take him away from being the official pastor. He went away and started his own church where he now constantly promotes those who have come away from their sin. They act like their sins make them more pious and righteous than those who have not gone through similar hard times and come out of their sins, etc. I don't begrudge a man for admitting his sins and recovering in the Lord, but I don't think that a man who has committed adultery should be the head pastor of a church. Sure he can be involved in the ministry, but not the head. I also don't think it right to wave around your sins to promote yourself instead of the Lord.

You are so right about judging others. Condemning the world straight out is why so many nonbelievers thing Christians are close minded and extremely strict with rules.One last thing I want to ask about. What are your thoughts on condemning nonbelievers who have heard the word? I have a Muslim friend who used to be a Christian. When she was a Christian she was full throttle. She was excited about the word and excited about church. That's all I know. I'm not sure if she was ever excited about Jesus. Do these kind of people who switch over go to heavne if they once were Christians and meant the sinners prayer they prayed?

Anyway, the main thing I wanted to talk about was that this friend of mine was recently condemned by her grandparents, who are Christians. They basically said she was going to Hell, said they loved her, implied they never wanted to see her again, and hung up. I don't think we as Christians should be so quick to condemn. God will jusge when the time comes. Sure, if my friend never accepts Christ she'll go to Hell, but she still has a chance as long as she is alive and I'm not planning on rejecting her and being a bad witness to her. What are your thoughts?

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Once again thank you for your comment. I've finished the post I said I planned to do in response to your question:

"When she was a Christian she was full throttle. She was excited about the word and excited about church. That's all I know. I'm not sure if she was ever excited about Jesus. Do these kind of people who switch over go to heavne if they once were Christians and meant the sinners prayer they prayed?"

It's titled "The Parable of the Sower". Hopefully, it brings forth some clarity and understanding.

God Bless you!