Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Wednesday, December 19, 2007



OOOOOOOO!!!!! How beautiful! I love ice! I've posted some pics of ice on my blog but none as beautiful as this! I'll post some more of ice soon!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Christian Themes in Writing


As a quick note I'd like to say that I have read and reviewed Gail's new book on Christian romance writing and I highly recommend it.

As far as her post goes, I highly agree that stories should not preach the Christian message to the point where it annoys the reader. This will push the reader away. Another thing that is important to me is that stories be realistic. We don't go around preaching in real life and people are not converted to Christianity in a short amount of time in real life. I just saw a Christmas program the other day that I did not like because after one song about the Christmas story everyone came to know Christ. The song was very powerful, but the ending ruined it for me, especially since everyone present was clapping and screaming throughout the song in "excitement and joy for God."

Friday, December 14, 2007



If you look at the comments on the post above, you'll see a discussion about homosexuality.

As far as homosexuality goes, I'm with Shalene. For certain reasons and for Biblical reasons I believe it is wrong, but I also believe that although Jesus would not have us embrace them as leaders in the church he would have us embrace them in love. I also believe that our sinful nature affects many things, including our chemical makeup. Although it may be proven that many are born with homosexuality, those born with it still have a choice. I know this from personal experience. I will always support equality of all people and I will always support gay people in love, even if I don't support their lifestyle. If I ever had a child who was a homosexual I would still love them. I would not feel like a failed parent because I know God is always in cotnrol and will work things out for His glory and in His way not for my glory or in my way.

A Bible Quiz

I found this quiz through http://msp31wannabe.blogspot.com/2007/12/something-fun-quiz.html

You know the Bible 98%!

Wow! You are awesome! You are a true Biblical scholar, not just a hearer but a personal reader! The books, the characters, the events, the verses - you know it all! You are fantastic!

Ultimate Bible Quiz
Create MySpace Quizzes

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Gail Martin


It's fun to laugh at our stupid mistakes! I also always find great joy in remembering what it felt like to think everything was going wrong and then to be pulled out of the pit by God who is above all things.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Worship for men?


I like the premise of this article because it points out that there are differences in worship styles depending on sex, background, and personality (it focuses on sex). However, I don't like it's proposed solution to the problem (that churches are too feminised and men don't go to church because it means being sissy). It suggests that men should come first in everything at the church and that worship should be more directed towards men. I disagree. I believe the worship plan, among other things, should be balanced between female and male characteristics. The article says the women in churches that focus on men don't mind this change, but I believe that neither male nor female should be put above one or the other.

Worship of all Types


I don't see feminization in the church, but I do believe that in general many men have different worship preferences compared to women because of their personalities and background. I believe that worship is about honoring God, but that doesn't mean we can't try to accomodate those people with different preferences. There are ways to do this that don't involve becoming sexist or ignoring God. You would still filter what you use in a service through the Bible. I would suggest that whats sex you are can affect your personality as well.
By the way, I'm female and I don't like more feely contemporary music very much. I feel pressured in that environment to become emotional. I'd much rather focus on the words of the songs and what they mean and what God is trying to teach to me, but seeing others dance about distracts me from this. I think I would be better off if churches that do have more contemprary music still included a traditional song here and there and liturical elements such as repsonsive readings every once in a while. I think a good church is about balance and most importantly about praising the Lord. It's hard for me to become part of a body and community when I feel like a church is excluding worship that fits my personality type.
ANother note, I used to be more judgmental of contemporary worship and traditional worship, but I'm slowing learning that what type of worship you prefer depends on your personality, not on doctrine.