Friday, December 14, 2007


If you look at the comments on the post above, you'll see a discussion about homosexuality.

As far as homosexuality goes, I'm with Shalene. For certain reasons and for Biblical reasons I believe it is wrong, but I also believe that although Jesus would not have us embrace them as leaders in the church he would have us embrace them in love. I also believe that our sinful nature affects many things, including our chemical makeup. Although it may be proven that many are born with homosexuality, those born with it still have a choice. I know this from personal experience. I will always support equality of all people and I will always support gay people in love, even if I don't support their lifestyle. If I ever had a child who was a homosexual I would still love them. I would not feel like a failed parent because I know God is always in cotnrol and will work things out for His glory and in His way not for my glory or in my way.

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